Okay, I know I'm a big girl, and I know this crap has been going on since the 4th, and I had no idea my lungs were in as bad as shape as I found out yesterday. But Prednisone? Who the heck wants to take steroids? I had a friend have a bad reaction to this same stuff. And a side effect is not sleeping. Just what I DON'T NEED! So DH asked me why I was crying and I told him 1. I was sick of this ___, and 2. the steroids. He said it's not forever and just do it.
So anyway, there are things that make a sickie feel better. I looked outside and saw that it had starting snowing during my nap, but then I saw a box on the front porch. And I thought, could it be? Possibly yarn? And I won't get yelled at by DH for sneaking out and going over to String and breathing cold air which the doctor told me I AM NOT TO DO? Oh please, let the box be for me.
Oh Hazel Knits, THANK YOU!!!!! Look what Wendee got out to me. Artisan Sock Yarn in Chocolatier and Lime Granita. Are we thinking Mint Chocolate chip mittens or gloves or something here? And to top it off,

And then there are two friends, Leanne and Nachaele. They know what they did, I know what we did. I'm not talking, but thank you.
I feel your pain! I finished my antibiotic and Prednisone after three and a half weeks of cold/bronchitis/flu/leprosy...not that last one. I did not want to take the Predisone either! But it's time to put on the big girl pants and follow doctor's orders. As for me, being on the other side of it and feeling better, I can truly say it was worth it.
Hope you feel better soon-soon-soon!
I hope we helped and didn't give you any set backs. It was fun and I was glad to see you. I sure hope you get better soon. Love ya
I hope we helped and didn't give you any set backs. It was fun and I was glad to see you. I sure hope you get better soon. Love ya
I know what you did but am not telling a living soul. I know the Prednisone is awful but it works. It will be over soon.
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