I am trying not to breathe, rather I am not doing anything that will make me breath in deeply or breathe in cold air. I have bronchitis, better than the walking pneumonia which was ruled out by two chest x-rays yesterday afternoon, but it still hurts. My lungs are on fire. So as long as I don't breathe too hard, or breathe cold air, they feel better. I have two inhalers of medicines so hopefully with today's rest and probably tomorrow, this will be going away. As long as I don't cough, the one medicine with a pain reliever seems to dull the fire a little.
So I'm knitting and watching TV and resting today. Since coughing woke me up at 2:30AM I actually saw Knitty Gritty this morning, too bad it was just scarves, and scrap booking, always good programs to knit to.
I am trying to post to Ravelry, but am having issues this morning. I am tired, so it just be me. Just a short post, need to get back to the couch and the knitting.
1 comment:
Hi Kathy, I have not been on your blog probably since I was on mine. I love you dale kauni sweater!!!! I left you a couple of messages on Ravelry and put you as a friend I actually but Joanne as a friend yesterday. I have just started working on my Ravelry finally and I love it. Sorry to hear you are not feeling good. I just ordered the autumn kauni sweater pattern today. Kate, Jody and I are going to Knitted Peace tomorrow and I am getting some Kauni yarn!!!!
Take care,
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