I had a list in my head. Maybe I should have written it down and I could have slept better. It was one of those seemingly never ending lists of things to do. It had things to do like finish the booties, get the stocking done, fill out the Bar application, go Christmas shopping, prepare for the blizzard, get some baking done...and study, study, study. Besides that work 50 hours a week, travel to Seattle, and be some semblance of a good mom. Work out.
So today is the 27th and there has been progress. The stocking was done as were the booties. Christmas came and went, and the kids and everyone liked their presents. I saw my bud Joanne at a Knitted Peace. I mailed the Bar application yesterday. I'm behind in my studying. And I have holiday poundage.
Well, I updated the blog. I am trying to learn more things about blogging in the minute amount of time I have for recreational reading. Right now the rest of my brain is filled up with torts and then on to contracts. There will be time, just not until after February 22.
But I cast on a shawl on Christmas. The lovely Casino from Anne over at http://www.knitspot.com/. I had some lovely Lorna's Laces Helen's lace in the stash that I bought from Lorna at her house in Placerville over 4 1/2 years ago, before she sold the company. She had it hanging in the backyard to dry, beautiful colors of red, and Cabernet with a little yellow thrown in. Reminds me of fire.
I have worked on other things, the little guy's pirate hat, my mandarin jacket. And I tried to organize some of the yarn room. My other half gave me the standing wrought iron basket rack from Lantern Moon for Christmas. (Thanks for the hint Greg!) I have recent projects in it, a boat load of Socks That Rock to knit up, and other things.
Speaking of socks, I cast 3 pair on during last week's blizzard and snapped 2 size 1 double points. Cassidy asked if I was knitting mad. Nah - just cranking down on the wrong type of needles. Only one pair has stayed up. So much for blizzard socks. Let's see what snow gets dumped on us today. I don't think I'm going for the socks.
Speaking of the last blizzard, we had 3 feet of snow dumped on us last week. Everything shut down - even the Post Office. The grocery stores are still very low on veggies and milk. But we had fun. The pirate flag went up 2 doors down so there the party went. It was 2 kegs out in the snow, hot buttered rum, the kids playing on the 8 foot piles of shoveled snow, a bonfire for the adults, the streets not yet plowed, and my other half throwing m80s in the snow to see how fireworks light up the piles. It can snow as much as it wants to today.
Well, I have to think what we will do today to entertain the boys. Yesterday it was the Children's Museum and the Aquarium. Maybe some baking later on.
Merry Belated Christmas!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
'Twas the night before Christmas and all around me, Was unfinished knitting not under the tree. The stockings weren't hung by the chimney with care, 'cause the heels and the toes had not a stitch there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds but I had not finished the caps for their heads. Dad was asleep; he was no help at all, And the sweater for him was six inches too small. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I put down my needles to see what was the matter. Away to the window, I flew like a flash, Tripped over my yarn and fell down with a crash. The tangle of yarn that lay deep as the snow Reminded me how much I still had to go. Out on my lawn, I heard such a noise, I thought it would wake both dad and the boys. And though I was tired,my brain was a bit thick, I knew in a moment, it must be Saint Nick. But what I heard then left me perplexed-ed, For not a name I heard was what I had expected "move,Ashford; move,Lopi; move,Addie and Clover, Move,Reynolds; move,Starmore; move, Fraylic--moveover" "Paton, don't circle round; stand in line. Come now, you sheep wool work just fine! I know this is hard semi, it's just your first year, I'd hate to go back to eight tiny reindeer." I peered over the sill; what I saw was amazing, Eight woolly sheep on my lawn all a'grazing. And then,in a twinkle, I heard at the door Santa's feet coming across the porch floor. I rose from my knees and got back on my feet,And as I turned round, Saint Nick, I did meet. He was dressed all in wool from his head to his toe And his clothes were handknit from above to below. A bright Fairisle sweater he wore on his back, and his toys were all stuffed in an Aran knit sack. His cap was a wonder of bobbles and lace, A beautiful frame for his rosy red face. The scarf round his neck could have stretched for a mile, And the socks peeking over his boots were Argyle. The back of his mittens bore an intricate cable, And suddenly on one I spied a small label. SC was duplicate stitched on the cuff, and I asked "Hey Nick, did you knit all this stuff?" He proudly replied "Ho-ho-ho, yes I did, I learned how to knit when I was a kid." He was chubby and plump, a quite well-dressed old man, And I laughed to myself for I'd thought up a plan,. I flashed him a grin and jumped up in the air, And the next thing he knew he was tied to a chair. He spoke not a word, but looked in his lap Where I'd laid my needles and yarn for a cap. He quickly began knitting, first one cap then two; For the first time I thought I'd really get through. He put heels on the stockings and toes in some socks While I sat back drinking Scotch on the rocks!! So quickly like magic, his needles they flew, That he was all finished by quarter to two. He sprang for his sleigh when I let him go free, And over his shoulder he looked back at me. And I heard him exclaim as he sailed past the moon, "Next year start your knitting sometime around June!
Author Unknown
'Twas the night before Christmas and all around me, Was unfinished knitting not under the tree. The stockings weren't hung by the chimney with care, 'cause the heels and the toes had not a stitch there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds but I had not finished the caps for their heads. Dad was asleep; he was no help at all, And the sweater for him was six inches too small. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I put down my needles to see what was the matter. Away to the window, I flew like a flash, Tripped over my yarn and fell down with a crash. The tangle of yarn that lay deep as the snow Reminded me how much I still had to go. Out on my lawn, I heard such a noise, I thought it would wake both dad and the boys. And though I was tired,my brain was a bit thick, I knew in a moment, it must be Saint Nick. But what I heard then left me perplexed-ed, For not a name I heard was what I had expected "move,Ashford; move,Lopi; move,Addie and Clover, Move,Reynolds; move,Starmore; move, Fraylic--moveover" "Paton, don't circle round; stand in line. Come now, you sheep wool work just fine! I know this is hard semi, it's just your first year, I'd hate to go back to eight tiny reindeer." I peered over the sill; what I saw was amazing, Eight woolly sheep on my lawn all a'grazing. And then,in a twinkle, I heard at the door Santa's feet coming across the porch floor. I rose from my knees and got back on my feet,And as I turned round, Saint Nick, I did meet. He was dressed all in wool from his head to his toe And his clothes were handknit from above to below. A bright Fairisle sweater he wore on his back, and his toys were all stuffed in an Aran knit sack. His cap was a wonder of bobbles and lace, A beautiful frame for his rosy red face. The scarf round his neck could have stretched for a mile, And the socks peeking over his boots were Argyle. The back of his mittens bore an intricate cable, And suddenly on one I spied a small label. SC was duplicate stitched on the cuff, and I asked "Hey Nick, did you knit all this stuff?" He proudly replied "Ho-ho-ho, yes I did, I learned how to knit when I was a kid." He was chubby and plump, a quite well-dressed old man, And I laughed to myself for I'd thought up a plan,. I flashed him a grin and jumped up in the air, And the next thing he knew he was tied to a chair. He spoke not a word, but looked in his lap Where I'd laid my needles and yarn for a cap. He quickly began knitting, first one cap then two; For the first time I thought I'd really get through. He put heels on the stockings and toes in some socks While I sat back drinking Scotch on the rocks!! So quickly like magic, his needles they flew, That he was all finished by quarter to two. He sprang for his sleigh when I let him go free, And over his shoulder he looked back at me. And I heard him exclaim as he sailed past the moon, "Next year start your knitting sometime around June!
Author Unknown
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Am I going to get home today?
Well, I'm in Seattle and the weather report is not looking too good right now for my 3PM flight. When I arrived here yesterday, the wind gusts were so bad that the wings rocked on the plane. Thank goodness for great pilots. We all clapped when he got that bird on the ground. The winds yesterday were up to 45 miles an hour. Today is going to be worse. There's a monster of a storm heading right this way, and they are expecting hurricane force winds later today and tonight of maybe 85 miles an hour. Oh my!
But, I do have yarn, and a hotel I can check back in to, but I do not think I want to be back on the 26th floor. I went walking down by the waterfront and found So Much Yarn (www.somuchyarn.com) at 23rd and Bell. Very nice shop, yarns pretty close to what Cassidy has at my LYS, but I did find some really nice things. I bought a new bag, as if I needed another one, but it has beads on it, the girl does like bling! I bought some new Karabella Cashmere/merino blend that is oh so soft in a beautiful sherry brown for a scarf for me. I bought some yarn for presents, so I won't say what I am making out of it, some needles, and Chibis since I forgot mine.
Afterwards, I went to this wonderful Thai restaurant recommended to me by the nice guy, yes guy working at the yarn store (2 guys were knitting when I arrived). Oh man, was that good! I had a nice, dry Chardonnay with Phud Thay which was nice and spicy and Yummy! It had salmon (of course, I am in Seattle you know), squid, shrimp, lemongrass, assorted veggies and chili paste. Man oh man, I hope I come back here soon, because I know where I am eating.
Well, I need to get to work, maybe I'll be home tonight, maybe tomorrow, it is my birthday then you know. ....K
But, I do have yarn, and a hotel I can check back in to, but I do not think I want to be back on the 26th floor. I went walking down by the waterfront and found So Much Yarn (www.somuchyarn.com) at 23rd and Bell. Very nice shop, yarns pretty close to what Cassidy has at my LYS, but I did find some really nice things. I bought a new bag, as if I needed another one, but it has beads on it, the girl does like bling! I bought some new Karabella Cashmere/merino blend that is oh so soft in a beautiful sherry brown for a scarf for me. I bought some yarn for presents, so I won't say what I am making out of it, some needles, and Chibis since I forgot mine.
Afterwards, I went to this wonderful Thai restaurant recommended to me by the nice guy, yes guy working at the yarn store (2 guys were knitting when I arrived). Oh man, was that good! I had a nice, dry Chardonnay with Phud Thay which was nice and spicy and Yummy! It had salmon (of course, I am in Seattle you know), squid, shrimp, lemongrass, assorted veggies and chili paste. Man oh man, I hope I come back here soon, because I know where I am eating.
Well, I need to get to work, maybe I'll be home tonight, maybe tomorrow, it is my birthday then you know. ....K
Monday, December 11, 2006
Finished Objects
It’s finished object week. I have so much on the needles, and so much more that I want to work on, that things have just got to be worked on and get out the door. The Christmas stocking is a high priority, as is the matching angora bootie for Ms. Amelia Grace. I have a quick trip to Seattle this week, which will add some knitting time for me.
What can you get finished this week? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…..
What can you get finished this week? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…..
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wednesday already!
Is it Wednesday all ready? I am losing all track of time. With the other half in DC, me being single mom for the week, and too many projects I want to knit on, my real job is really getting in the way of my knitting!
I’m having a party on Friday at the LYS. My birthday is on the 15th, I haven’t had a party since I was probably 8 years old, so I decided I want to have a party. It’s the holiday season and I just wanted to get together with my knitting buds and have a good old time. So Friday it will be. We will eat, and knit, and laugh, and I hope the sock yarn exchange/steal will get really nuts with a bunch of stealing. And there will be goodie bags. My kids get them when they go to parties, and so will my friends. Doesn’t that make you feel like a little kid again?
What projects am I working on? Not enough, that’s for sure! Well, I have got to get that Christmas stocking done, and the Latvian mitten second class is Saturday and mine have not been touched. And then the other half saw yarn he coveted at the LYS and now I have a hat and scarf added to my need to knit pile. I need knitting time! I did find that I can knit mind numbing knitting while I am studying, but not much of my projects fit that category.
I need a vacation on a beach somewhere with the guy from Casino Royale to be my cabana boy…
I’m having a party on Friday at the LYS. My birthday is on the 15th, I haven’t had a party since I was probably 8 years old, so I decided I want to have a party. It’s the holiday season and I just wanted to get together with my knitting buds and have a good old time. So Friday it will be. We will eat, and knit, and laugh, and I hope the sock yarn exchange/steal will get really nuts with a bunch of stealing. And there will be goodie bags. My kids get them when they go to parties, and so will my friends. Doesn’t that make you feel like a little kid again?
What projects am I working on? Not enough, that’s for sure! Well, I have got to get that Christmas stocking done, and the Latvian mitten second class is Saturday and mine have not been touched. And then the other half saw yarn he coveted at the LYS and now I have a hat and scarf added to my need to knit pile. I need knitting time! I did find that I can knit mind numbing knitting while I am studying, but not much of my projects fit that category.
I need a vacation on a beach somewhere with the guy from Casino Royale to be my cabana boy…
Friday, December 01, 2006
Purple and other things

Do you know what I am making? I cast it on last night, and doesn't it just go with my purple cowboy boots? I'd like to get it done in a week. I don't know if this is humanly possible with working 50 hours a week, and the other half set to catch a plane on Sunday for a week long business trip, so I'll be single mom for 6 days.
This has been rather a busy, crazy week. Work is busy. I'm acting Deputy Counsel for at least the month of December. This means more travel, this time to Seattle. And isn't it fun that Great Yarns isn't that far away in Everett? Today I spent the whole day packing and moving my office to the other side of the building. I have four broken nails, I am not too pleased, though to be honest, I broke one, make that two of them during paint ball yesterday - which was a work related function. I wasn't too thrilled with doing officer survival in 15 degree weather, but I kept warm, probably with all the adrenaline pumping, there was no way I was getting shot.
I also have too many knitting projects to get done, while I am trying to study for the bar at least an hour a day. I try to knit and read, but let's be realistic here, knitting is a heck more exciting than trying to remember torts which was flushed from this girl's brain 8 or more years ago.
Well, back to the books before the pizza gets here. It's pajama and movie night with the boys.
If you want a laugh check out this article, look at the picture:
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